Winter Wellness Guide

When kids are back in school + the weather drops, it’s a recipe for germs and sickness and everyone starts dropping like flies.  

Eating healthy and getting ample sleep are so important to our health and wellness, but so is having tools available at our fingertips to help support our bodies when they’re working overtime.   

My 2 rules of thumb are:
• be on the Offense, not Defense
• EARLY AND OFTEN is key (can’t do that when you don’t have it on hand!).

I thought I’d put together a guide of things that we make sure to have on hand always so that we aren’t caught in a bind needing to make a 2am CVS run for meds that will just mask symptoms and not actually support our bodies systems!  

Let me start out by giving you a list of my “must have on hand” products, and then I’ll go into more detail.

(Raindrop Collection!)
Breathe Again (roll on)

NingXia Red
Super C
Thieves Cough Drops
Thieves Chest Rub


One of the easiest ways to get oils into our system and see benefits are by diffusing them! And your house will smell amazing. Oils can also be inhaled directly from the bottle. This is actually the quickest way for your body to use the oils.

Unlike candles, a diffuser disperses essential oils without heating or burning. Heat can actually alter any therapeutic benefit a certain odor may contain. That means, even if the candle is considered “clean” with therapeutic grade essential oils within them, the process of “burning” can alter any benefits it once contained.

Research suggests that cold-air diffusing oils may:
– Reduce mold, fungus, and bacteria in the air
– Clears mind and provides relaxation
– Improves concentration
– Stimulates secretion of endorphins
– Improves antibody production to fight off invaders
– Improves hormonal balance
– Improves digestive function

Here are some tips when it comes to diffusing:

– Put a carafe of water next to your diffuser, with a few of your favorite oils. Turn it on as soon as you wake up to start your day off right!
– A tip is to start out by not combining more than one blend. There’s nothing wrong with combining more than one, but keep in mind, YL’s blends were specifically formulated for certain benefitting properties and you don’t want to take that away or change the combo! If you want to create your own blend, use single oils to create your own and maybe one “blend” mix!
– Place the diffuser higher in the room if you like so the oil mist falls through the air to get rid of unwanted oils or to further purify the air.

Below is a summary of the new research article from our Young Living scientists that was just published in the peer-reviewed journal Applied Sciences.

The question:
“Do diffused essential oils interact with airborne pollen indoors, and perhaps help alleviate the increasing problem of allergies?”

Paper Title:
Using Diffused Essential Oils to Remove Airborne Pine and Pecan Pollen: A Pilot Study

Read and download the full research article here:

Pollen is a major source of allergies, and its prevalence is rising. Essential oils, primarily composed of #terpenes, are easy to diffuse and are becoming more common to use in the home. To test the effect of diffusing essential oils on indoor #pollen, pollen was introduced into an enclosed environment containing an ultrasonic diffuser. Lavender, Citrus Fresh™, and Thieves® were tested against lodgepole pine pollen. Lavender was also tested against pecan pollen. An ultrasonic #Diffuser, containing either 100 mL of reverse osmosis (RO) water or 100 mL of RO water and 10 drops of an essential oil, was diffused in the environment to see how they would influence the amount of pollen that was deposited on the collection slides, compared to when the diffuser was off. The results show that diffusing RO water and lavender, Citrus Fresh™, or Thieves® essential oil increased the amount of lodgepole pine pollen deposited on the floor of an enclosed environment. Diffusing either RO water alone or RO water and lavender essential oil increased the amount of pecan pollen found on the floor of an enclosed environment. This suggests that a diffuser may help remove pollen from the air and potentially aid in alleviating #allergies.

Full citation:
Davis, J.T., II; Lorenzen, K.; Poulson, A.; Carlson, R.E. Using Diffused Essential Oils to Remove Airborne Pine and Pecan Pollen: A Pilot Study. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 9917.


Repeat after me: “Inner Defense Is a Staple Product”. All together now: “INNER DEFENSE IS A STAPLE PRODUCT”.

Why? It’s a premade capsule of Thieves, Oregano, and Lemongrass. We call this supplement the first responder in our house. When someone needs some immune support and ALWAYS when we travel, we take this. I also suggest taking it with food! It helps reinforce systemic defenses, promote healthy respiratory function, and offers immune support. These liquid capsules dissolve quickly for maximum results and help the body create an unfriendly terrain for yeast and fungus.  When your face needs to feel better (like… your nose and cheek area….) take lots of this combined with garlic capsules (! 


Relieve your family’s sniffles, coughs, and congestion the natural way with Thieves Chest Rub, a 100% plant-based alternative for over-the-counter cough and congestion relief. 

A powerful blend of essential oils provide soothing aromatic vapors that work quickly to relieve irritations of the common cold and support healthy breathing, all while suppressing cough with a hands-free application and no sticky residue. 

A must-have for every medicine cabinet, Thieves Chest Rub is safe for ages 2 and up and is free of petroleum, parabens, phthalates, mineral oil, synthetic perfumes or dyes, artificial colors, preservatives or GMO ingredients. Turn to Thieves Chest Rub when a cold gets you down for natural, maximum-strength relief.  


Making a roller to use daily (and every few hours when needed!) is a great way to get those oils on. your body so they can support you!

Staying healthy while your children swap pencils, lip glosses, and snacks all day is a what we are traning for lol – or while your coworkers are sniffling and making all sorts of funky mouth noises all day and then they touch the bathroom door and the copy machine and the cubical is just swarming with cooties. We do our best to keep our bodies healthy, which helps us when we do end up getting sick because we can kick it faster!

Here are our favorite wellness roller blends. All of the oils in this blend are great for purifying, cleansing, and overall immune support!

And remember – you can choose to adjust these recipes as you see fit. You are an empowered, smart, capable person who can choose to add more or less of anything to fit your own comfort level.

I keep our wellness rollers next to our diffuser in the kitchen. It makes it easy to roll on our feet or spines each day! If we have been around people who are feeling under the weather or if we start to feel like something is coming on, I will use this more often throughout the day.

Something that I cannot stress enough is this, in order for your oils to work you have to be using them. Not just using them when you are not feeling well only – using them every single day. Think about it this way, you don’t eat one salad and then reach your goal weight. You don’t exercise one time and drop 20lbs. You have to put the time and work into it. Supporting your body with oils is the same. Using them every single day is when you will see results.

Wanna hit the easy button? Grab the pre-made Thieves Roll-on from Young Living!

In a 10ml roller, add essential oils and top with your choice of carrier oil

• 20 drops Thieves
• 20 drops Lemon
• 20 drops Frankincense
• 20 drops Pine
• 10 drops Geranium
• 10 drops RC
• 5 drops Oregano
Fill the rest of roller with carrier oil

• 10 drops Thieves
• 10 drops Lemon
• 10 drops Frankincense
• 10 drops Pine
• 10 drops Geranium
• 10 drops RC
• 2 drops Oregano
Fill the rest of roller with carrier oil

• 10 drops frankincense
• 1 drop Thieves (feel free to leave out if you prefer)
Fill the rest of roller with carrier oil


Raindrop is a sequence of anointing with oils and laying on of hands that brings structural and electrical alignment to the body. Most raindrop oils are high in phenolic content to ward off potentially damaging viruses and bacteria while cleansing cellular receptor sites to enhance inter and intra cellular communication to improve overall body function. Some raindrop oils contain a variety of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes to assist in deleting misinformation in the dna and reprogramming correct information in cellular memory to restore and maintain physical and emotional wellness.

I can’t imagine my home without the raindrop oils in it. I often do raindrop technique on my children when they need extra support.

Learn more here:


I don’t know about you but I really enjoy breathing. Like, it’s so fun! So when anyone I know starts to have to gasp for air and or starts making seal like barking sounds, we break out our Bark Roller and apply on our chests and under our noses. RC and Lemon are so great for opening everything up.

In a 5ml roller, add
8 drops RC
8 drops Lemon
Fill with carrier oil.
Apply across chest, bottom of the feet, bridge of your nose.


One of the things I love about the Breathe Again Roll-On is that the purpose of it is right there in the name. Breathe Again is a blend of four types of Eucalyptus (E. Staigeriana, E. Globulus, E. Radiata, and E. Blue), Laurus Nobilis, Peppermint, Copaiba, Myrtle, Manuka, Rose Hip Seed oil, and fractionated coconut oil. These all work together in an easy-to-use roll-on that can be applied on your chest and neck to help support healthy respiratory function.

If any of you or your kids want a little extra support getting through those workouts at the gym or with their teams, the Breathe Again Roll-On is perfect. Plus, they can just throw it in their backpack or gym bag and use it before and after practice. Maybe someone in your family struggles with the changing of the seasons and everything that fills the air during those times. Breathe Again can help them breathe a little easier and not be bogged down by the shifting seasons. Support for healthy respiratory function is something we can all use!! Dilute as needed for your children.


In a 5ml roller with carrier oil add 5 drops of each:
• Melissa
• Lemon
• Peace + Calming
• Myrtle
• Idaho Blue Spruce
Fill the rest of roller with carrier oil. Roll on often, I personally do every few hours

in a 10ml with carrier:
20 drops Thieves
20 drops Lemon
20 drops Frankincense
20 drops Pine
20 drops Geranium
10 drops Oregano
Fill the rest of roller with carrier oil. Roll on often, I personally do every few hours

10 drops Thieves
10 drops Lemon
10 drops Frankincense
10 drops Pine
10 drops Geranium
2 drops Oregano
Fill the rest of roller with carrier oil

10 drops Frankincense
1 drop Thieves (feel free to leave out if you prefer)



Melissa (please research this oil, there is so much I can’t say. It’s freaking amazing for immune system support. If you don’t have a Field or Home Reference Guide – GET ONE ASAP.)

• DiGize (great for breaking up sticky stuff)
• Exodus II
• Egyptian Gold
• White Fir
• Tsuga
• Thieves
• Golderod
• Eucalyptus G
• Cypress
• Hyssop
• Lemon
• Cedarwood
• Peace + Calming
• Melissa
• Idaho Blue Spruce
• Cypress

Note: Tree oils are so good for the lungs!


Man, we know how these months can bring all the nasties and with that, fevers. Fevers can feel like a scary thing right?  

Did you know that fevers are our body’s way of creating an environment in which viruses and bacteria cannot live? It’s actually our body’s way of fighting for us! We watch the child, not the number on the thermometer. I focus on supporting their bodies through it and keeping them comfy.

Here are some amazing tips and tricks we can utilize to help comfort and soothe someone with a fever

1. Rub Peppermint, Lemon, or Frankincense (or all three!) along the spine, on feet, or under armpits. You can also add a drop or two of peppermint on a cool wet rag and place on forehead or back of neck!

2. Rub Digize on the belly and Thieves on the bottom’s of the feet to help support the body in fighting and doing what it needs to do!  

3. Drink plenty of water (1/2 body weight in ounces) and get plenty of rest. Ningxia, bone broth, coconut water are all good choices other than water!

4. If needed, take a lukewarm epsom salt bath

5. Diffuse Thieves and Frankincense to create an environment of added protection


An excellent drink of choice when you’re feeling yucky (or have been around people who are feeling yucky) or after traveling/flying (b/c planes are seriously gross) or have been around a lot of people or in germy public places more than normal.  

How do you make it? Great question, it’s so super easy!

Add a spoonful of raw, local honey, 1 drop Thieves Vitality, and 2-3 drops Lemon Vitality to a mug of hot water. Stir and sip! OMG 2 drops of Thieves went in your mug??? Relax you’re fine! Add some more honey or Lemon oil or just split it up into two cups.

And remember you cannot have one cup of Thieves tea and expect a miracle!

Not a tea drinker? Just give it a try, it’s so delish. But if you are only a coffee person, you can also add a drop of Thieves to your cup of joe to add a little spice. A little extra immunity support never hurt anyone!


Ear trouble is common during the fall and winter months….we all know it’s a thing and when mucus builds up. For me, the first sign that I’m coming down with something is when my ears feel itchy and clogged. That’s when I know it’s time to step up my oil game.

Here are some tips and tricks we do to support ear health when we need it the most:

1. Purification and Melrose
In the palm of your hand add a dab of coconut, olive or V6 Complex oil and add 1-2 drops of each. Gently swirl in a clockwise motion to mix then add to bony area behind the ears and down the sides of the neck for relief.

2. Garlic Oil
Dropped in the ear. Can use a dropper to help. I get mine online (, but your local health food store should have it, or you can make it! Recipe found HERE.

3. Get adjusted by a chiropractor.
Yes, even babies. Getting adjustments can help realign that aides in drainage and prevents build up from occurring. Use as preventative measures as well as needing for in the moment relief and support.

4. Colloidal Silver
Drop 2-3 drops in the ears.

5. Avoid Dairy and Sugar to help keep the immune system strong and keeping mucus from building up. Additives in dairy products and the proteins that are within are high inflammatory triggers and when inflammation is present, mucus tends to reside. Sugar also does this to our body’s internal tissue.

Also great for ear support, put a drop on a cotton ball and rest the cotton ball outside of your ear while sleeping for added impact. Never put essential oils directly in your ears!

With your nose being smack dab in the middle of your face, it’s kind of hard to hide when you are feeling a bit under the weather. It can go a couple different ways when you’re not well. You can have the annoying drippy runny faucet nose that has your reaching for a tissue every couple of seconds which leads to dry irritated red skin under your nose and has your nose looking like Rudolph. Not cool. What can you do for that? A drop of Lavender on the bridge of the nose is great for the drippiness. That red flakey irritated skin from blowing your nose too much, Lavender is great for that too and then to really seal the deal, apply a little Rose Ointment over the Lavender for additional comfort and to sooth the skin.

Rose Ointment is a must have for this time of year. I use it on Jax’s rosey red chapped cheeks and his flaky dry skin. It’s so deeply nourishing! It also works wonders on any dry itchy skin spots that tend to flare up in the winter.

Clogged nose. Is it just me or do you also think about the times when your nose wasn’t clogged and how you took it for granted? I mean is there anything more annoying? You either have the full blown both nostril clogging going on or you have the one nostril clogged and then other wide open. Fear no more, there are support systems for this!

I start taking Inner Defense often when my nose is stuffy, and I combine it with garlic capsules!

Have you used SniffleEase? Try a drop of SniffleEase on the nose and chest and wait a few minutes. It helps support our body doing what we know it wants to – draining the ick and clearing us up. This stuff is amazing! Plus it’s part of the KidScents collection so that means it comes prediluted and ready to use on children ages 2 and up. Have a kiddo younger than 2? Just roll a little carrier oil on the skin before applying this and you’re set. I love this oil for myself too. I have a roller fitment on top and it makes life a whole lot easier.

Breathe Again, RC, and Raven are also my faves to inhale to help open everything up.


Most of us know about the importance of iron and calcium for our bodies, but what about magnesium? It is the second most abundant element in human cells and the fourth most important positively charged ion in the body. It helps the body regulate over 325 enzymes! Epsom salt is rich in both magnesium and sulfate. When you soak in a bath with oils and Epsom salts it will help detoxify the body of all the cooties and unwanted guests!

Making your own oil infused bath salts is easy and you can customize them depending on what your needs are. When starting out with oils, it’s always best to start slow. If you are new to oils, use 1 drop each, you can always add more if you feel the need. You know your body, listen to what it’s tell you!

Detox Cootie Bath
1 cup Epsom salt, Thieves, Lemon, Purification.

Sleepy Salts
1 cup Epsom salt and add in any of your favorite sleepy time oils (Lavender, Peace & Calming II, Frankincense, Stress Away, Valor, etc)

I cup Epsom salt, 2 drops Panaway, 1 drop Peppermint, 1 drop Copaiba

*Pro tip: when you have an empty oil bottle, pop off the valve and turn it upside down in some Epsom salt and let it sit for a couple hours. The Epsom salt will draw the oil out of the bottle and you will have some amazing bath salts. Then save the bottle, boil it in hot water to get the label off and mix up a blend, pop a roller fitment on and you have a new roller bottle. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! You’re welcome 😉


To add to our “clear breathing” tips and tricks here’s an at home DIY you can do with you and your family when you need instant relief!

• Start a hot shower until steam starts to rise. Over the drain of the tub add a wet rag with a few drops of whatever oil you use for Respiratory support (eucalyptus radiata, peppermint, etc).

• Sit in the shower or shower chair to breathe in the steam.

• If it is a child or another person or family member you are trying to help, use a cupping percussion technique with both of your hands all around their upper/mid-back area to help break up the mucus. If it is just you, while you are sitting in the shower, cup your hand and do a percussion-like technique on your chest.

For added support, also rub your favorite oil of choice and/or Thieves chest rub topically over back and chest area.

If you need help with knowing how to perform the percussion technique, watch this video below:

Self percussion:

Two person percussion:


Sleep is so vital to every organ of the body. When the body is at rest, that is when it repairs body systems and generates new cells. When this is interrupted or the proper amount of sleep is inconsistent, the body begins to break down. How many times have you been clumsier or had a short temper after a night of too little sleep?

When you’re needing some solid sleep AND extra immune support, you have got to have ImmuPro on hand!

ImmuPro is specially formulated to support the immune system when combined with a healthy lifestyle and includes melatonin, which encourages healthy sleep cycles. This power-packed formula provides zinc and selenium to support proper immune function along with melatonin to promote the body’s natural sleep rhythm and encourage restful sleep. It combines naturally derived immune-supporting Ningxia wolfberry polysaccharides with a unique blend of reishi, maitake, and agaricus blazei mushroom powders.

This is a blend of some of the most potent immune supporting ingredients all wrapped into one strawberry chewable. One tablet has the ability to fight the effects of oxidative stress on the body. Oxidative stress is when the body has too many free radicals. Free radicals are unavoidable and in excess can cause damage to the body. Pollution, cigarette smoke, herbicides, and even our own immune systems produce free radicals. The key to keeping things balanced is an antioxidant. Antioxidants are able to neutralize the free radicals.

Immupro delivers antioxidants in the form of wolfberries. If you haven’t already heard, wolfberries are off-the-charts-incredible for anyone wanting antioxidants. It also contains a teeny bit of melatonin to support healthy sleep! We all know good sleep is needed to restore and prepare the body for the next day. It also contains calcium, selenium, zinc, and and copper to support the immune system.


Well who doesn’t love a chewable supplement?! Super C not only contains 2,166% of the recommended dietary intake of vitamin C per serving, but it is also fortified with rutin, citrus bioflavonoids, and minerals to balance electrolytes and enhance the effectiveness and absorption of vitamin C. The essential oils that are added may also increase bioflavonoid activity. 

Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins required by our bodies. The ingredients in Super C play a role in normal immune and circulatory functions, help to strengthen connective tissues, and promote overall health, vitality, and longevity. Because our bodies cannot manufacture vitamin C, we can benefit by consuming this powerful antioxidant daily.


Ningxia Red is a whole-body juice supplement infused with essential oils. It’s a super yummy, sweet, and tangy drink featuring the Ningxia Wolfberry. We use a purée of the fruit including leaf, stem, peel and fruit to maximize the nutrient benefits. It contains orange, tangerine, lemon, and yuzu essential oils. Also featuring plum, aronia, cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts, Ningxia Red is packed with superfoods to support overall wellness.

Let’s touch on the top 5 reasons why Ningxia is so amazing:

1. It is made with the whole food wolfberry! Our bodies thrive on the whole food and whole nutrient.

2. It is a liquid supplement. Spoiler alert: most of our digestive systems are functioning lower that we want them too. We absorb a liquid supplement faster because the body doesn’t need to break it down. It’s easier on gut and the delivery system to our body is quicker.

3. So. Many. Antioxidants. The ORAC value is a measuring system for antioxidant load. Anti-oxidants = immune support. Antioxidants protect our bodies from free radicals. They help our body get free radicals out. Antioxidants promote normal function, normal circulation, normal brain function, normal heart function, and immune support.

4. Essential Oils are added. OF COURSE THEY ARE. Did you you think there would be no essential oils?! Orange, Yuzu, Lemon, Tangerine. They support normal blood sugar levels, normal circulation and digestion, neurological support, immune support, and normal body detox.

5. Ningxia Red is for EVERYONE. It is safe for all ages, pregnant women, children, errrrrreryone. For kids, once they start solids (6 months), they can start Ningxia. Start with 1/2 oz-1oz for kiddos.

So, so good for balancing blood sugar. We all drink at least 2oz a day each! I drank a lot more during my pregnancy (had to get that famous Ningxia placenta!) Our dogs get it too! Is there such thing as “too much Ningxia” – see how you feel! Pay attention to how you feel, if you feel good, carry on!

Now, we all know that accountability is critical when we are making a new habit. And some of you might be committing to Ningxia Red for the very first time. So to keep yourself accountable you will want to check in daily on these posts – we will be diving deep into what Ningxia can do for our bodies, the science, and clinical trials, and different ways to drink it – including some additional supplements!

Watch this video to learn more:

NingXia Red E-Book:


• 1/2 cup raw local honey (I do equal parts manuka and regular raw organic. Manuka honey has amazing healing and antibacterial and anti-inflammation properties!)
• 2 drops Frankincense
• 3 drops of Copaiba
• 2 drops of Thieves
• 8 drops of Orange

Store in a small mason jar, mix well before each use, and take a tsp as needed! Use for kids over the age of 1. For an adult, I do 1 spoonful honey then drop right on top of the spoon 1 drop each frankincense, thieves, orange, and sometimes peppermint!

In a small 20z spray bottle…
• 2 tsp/10ml of Thieves Mouthwash
• 5 drops o Clove EO
• Fill rest with distilled water
Shake well before each use.


• 2/3 cups of dried black berries

• 3 1/2 cups of water

• 2 drops of Thieves

• 2 drops of Clove EO

• Can also add orange, frankincense, ginger, and nutmeg

• 1 cup raw honey


1. Pour water into medium pot/saucepan and add elderberries

2. Bring to a boil then cover and reduce to simmer for 45 min until liquid is reduced by half then remove from heat.

3. Pour mixture through a strainer while mashing the rest of the liquid out of the berries into a glass bowl or jar.

4. Discard the elderberries and let the liquid cool to lukewarm.

5. Add the honey and EO’s and mix well! I tend to add extra orange to mine!

6. Store in a mason jar in the fridge!

Not into making your own? Essentially Blessed uses YL oils!

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